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Organizing Puja / Homam at home, office or temple is very easy now..

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Copyright 2015. AANODAYA PUJA MANTRA. Blogger द्वारा संचालित.
बुधवार, जून 4

Grand Puja Arrangements

 Puja is your act of showing reverence to a god, a spirit, or another aspect of the divine through invocations, prayers, songs, and rituals. An essential part of puja for the devotee is making a spiritual connection with the divine. Most often that contact is facilitated through an object: an element of nature, a sculpture, a vessel, a painting, or a print.

During puja an image or other symbol of the god serves as a means of gaining access to the divine. This icon is not the deity itself; rather, it is believed to be filled with the deity's cosmic energy. It is a focal point for honoring and communicating with the god. For the devout Hindu, the icon's artistic merit is important, but is secondary to its spiritual content. The objects are created as receptacles for spiritual energy that allow the devotee to experience direct communication with his or her gods.

Our associated puja planners may handle any or all of the following tasks related to the Puja event:

Complete Event Arrangements

Planning & Creating puja event design
Finding a puja site/venue booking
Arrangements for food, floral decor and lightnings
Transportation to and from the event site
Invitation management to attendees or devotees
Arranging necessary stay accommodations for guests
Coordinating the activities of Event Personnel / Security Staff
Supervising and Coordination at puja event site

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