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Copyright 2015. AANODAYA PUJA MANTRA. Blogger द्वारा संचालित.
सोमवार, जून 2

Brahma Mantra


Brahma Mantra

Sat Chid Ekam Brahma
Surface Meaning:
Sat = Truth
Chid = Spiritual mind stuff
Ekam = one, without a second
Brahma = This entire cosmos, with all of its contents

Brahma Mantra with Bijas

Here is a longer version of the "Sat Chid Ekam Brahma" mantra:
Om Eim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Sat Chid Ekam Brahma
Om is a prefix to many mantras. It represents the energy at the Ajna chakra at the brow center, where the feminine and masculine currents become joined and consciousness becomes unitary and wholistic.
Eim (aim) is a seed sound for the feminine principle known as Saraswati. This principle governs spiritual knowledge as well as the material pursuits of education, science, art, music, and spiritual discipline.
Hrim is a seed sound for "mahamaya" or the veil of creation. It is said that meditation on this seed sound will result in the meditator ultimately being shown the universe "as it is" and not as we see it currently. That is because reality as we see it is really an "agreement" among all of us which is passed on from generation to generation. Babies, if they could talk, would speak of the universe in quite a different way. They ultimately learn what humanity's "agreement" is and start to function in the world. For more about the Hrim bija, see the chapter on Narayana.
Shrim is the seed sound for the principle of abundance. This covers the abundance of food, friends, family, health and a myriad other things. Prosperity is, of course, included.
Klim is a seed with several meanings. In the present context, it is the principle of attraction. In this mantra, it is attracting the fruit of the other principles to speed the process of mantra meditation.
Sauh is a couple of things. It is a spiritual principle which operates through one of the petals in the Ajna chakra. It is also a shakti activating sound.
Sat: Truth
Chid: Spiritual mind stuff
Ekam: One, without a second
Brahma: This entire cosmos, with all of its contents, sometimes also called Brahman, the state of conscious existence which is one with everything.

Longer Brahma Mantra

Om Namo Rajo Jushae Sristau
Sthithou Sattwa Mayaya'cha
Tamo Mayaya Sam'harinae
Vishwa Rupaya Vedhasae
Om Brahmanyae Namaha
"Om is the name of He who created this cosmos with its three gunas (qualities of nature: positive, negative and quiescent) who brought all things to form and who is universal. He is Brahma, whom I salute."
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