Pitru Dosh or Pitri Dosha is affliction in horoscope that arises due to not getting Nirvana to soul of
departed forefathers. It mainly occurs when dead forefathers and ancestors did not get peace or proper salvation (Moksh) at the time of departing their souls. Now, you may be curious to know how you will identify existence of Pitru Dosh in birth-chart. In Hindu mythology, it is believed that if anyone in the family do not offer water and food to their dead ancestors, ignore them in shradh-pooja or do not perform any custom for pacification of their soul, Pitra Dosh is formed with conjunction of luminous planet Sun and malefic planet Rahu in 9th house in birth-chart.
the person really wants to be free from panic effects of Pitru Dosh, the one should perfroms Shradh Pooja to pacify the soul of departed forefathers and ancestors. Shradh Pooja even can clean all sinful acts and bad deeds committed by the ancestors. It is believed that performing Shradh Pooja during Pitru Paksh on kirshna paksh of Bhadrapad-Ashwin (Septemeber-October) month is very auspicious to pacify soul of departed ancestors. Performing pooja on Pitru Paksha will certainly pacify souls of your dead ancestor.
The person afflicted with Pitra Dosh should also perform Shradh Pooja on every Amavasya (no moon day).
One of the beneficial remedy to reduce effects of Pitru Dosh is putting kheer in the ash of cow dung cake during every no moon day (amavasya) and by remembering your ancestor by saying that you deeply apologize for your mistakes. This customs should be performed inn South direction.
Offering Pind Dan is also one of the great ways to pacify soul of departed ancestors. But, certain rituals should be performed at Shradh places while performing this custom.
Offer food to dead ancestors during Shradh Pooja.
The most important point, always remember or recall your ancestors for all your significant occasion in home or life. Giving respect to elders can also be the best way to please the soul of ancestors.
The person afflicted by Pitri Dosha can also feed cows and fish the rice balls made up of cooked rice and Ghee. This ritual should be performed on every Saturday.
Offering prayers to Sun and chanting Gayatri mantra are other ways to strengthen position of Sun in horoscope and reduce troubles invoked by Pitra Dosh.
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