Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja is a Puja performed to reduce the effects of the planet Mars
in your Horoscope. Performing the Puja will not completely abolish the effects,
however, it will either minimize or strengthen the person with this dosh. We at
Pundit Junction perform this Puja in Chandod, Gujarat, for you upon request.
Mangal Dosh
is a dosh (defect) that occurs owing to the wrong placement of the planet Mars.
It is said that during the time of your birth, if the planet Mars appears in
the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house, a dosh develops in your horoscope
that can trouble the person during the most important phase of their life. This
dosh is called as Manglik or Mangal Dosh. Mangal Dosh is considered to be quite
inauspicious for marriage or married life. It brings various hurdles in the
married life of an individual causing distress, tension and severe disharmony,
which eventually gives way to bigger problems. However, in most cases there is
a delay in marriage. The violent character of Mars is the main reason that
causes this disrupt.
a Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja would help you minimize the negative effects of
Mangal Dosh. It would not completely eliminate the malignant effects of the
planet Mars, however, it can reduce it to some extent or provide strength to
the person to face the ill effects.
a Manglik Dosh Nivaran Puja which is also called Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja is a
remedy which helps to rectify or pacify this dosh. It reduces the malefic
effects of Manglik dosh formed in a horoscope, to a great extent. Manglik Dosh
Nivaran Puja is performed by learned purohits by chanting Vedic Mantra for the
concerned planet to reduce the malefic effects of that planet. In the Panchangas,
there are 40,000 Mantras for Mars (Mangal). Agni (Fire) is lit in the Havan
Kund (the sacrificial fire) and various energies (deities) are invoked by
chanting the mantras.
Puja should be performed once in a lifetime. If the puja is performed after 12
years of age, it helps to smoothly complete your education, if performed after
24 years of your age, it would help boost your professional career, and if puja
is perform after 26 years, you will experience a stable married life. Manglik
Dosh Nivaran Puja should be performed before the age of 32years.
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