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Copyright 2015. AANODAYA PUJA MANTRA. Blogger द्वारा संचालित.
मंगलवार, जून 10

Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

One of the Bhavan's best premier global Institute imparting knowledge of Astrology is located in the heart of the City at Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi. Present Astrology Course was started in the premises of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in 1987, by Shri K. N. Rao, I.A.A.S. (Retd.) a legendary astrologer of modern times. The Institute conducts Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya courses in order to encourage the study and research in Astrology. The Institute also selects eligible candidates who have passed out Jyotish Acharya course for research in Astrology under the guidance of Shri K. N. Rao. The successful researches are published in the Journal of Astrology and other publications.

After successful completion of Jyotish Acharya Course one is eligible for interviews to Research Classes. All candidates who are successful in the interview will be admitted to Research Class in Astrology. Institute's decision in respect of Guide and choice of area of research to the students will be final. Attending convocation seminar is compulsory. Renewal for yearly research classes will be based on attending the convocation seminar and submission of minimum two research papers on the subject area of research. 
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